Monday, April 27, 2015

Converting any 6V and 12V electric vehicle into and remote control toy.

Howdy. For the past few years, I've been working on remote and autonomous controlled projects.

I have enjoyed playing paintball for over 20 years and when a neighbor was tossing out a Power Wheels, I thought "Hell, why not make a paintball tank"?  
I got to marry two of my passions.

Click on the Paintball Tank to see my Facebook Post of the Remote Controlled Paintball Tank. 

Another project that I did was creating an autonomous paintball turret from an open sourced share by Project Sentry Gun

Its a great project, however there are several concerns for its uses in the paintball field.  
The biggest concern is even though the program comes with a "color identifier option" in which the autonomous will not fire on the player who wears or shows that selected color. 
The problem is, if a player would loose their mask during play, the autonomous WILL NOT identify that scenario and continue to fire.  I've dabbled in a few options for this not to happen but they're not 100% solutions.
I would hate for anyone to be shot in the face and get injured so until someone, including myself, can figure that out in the program the project has been put on the back burner.
Click on the autonomous picture to see my Facebook Post 1st Day with Lou. 

How to build a Remote Controlled Power Wheels.
So onto the "How To's" of building a remote controlled power wheels.
The build is easy no matter your level of experience. The parts that I use works for my purposes and if you find something that works better, Great!  

Please Note
* In no way am I a guru and hold any liability in your build. All the information that I provide is to be used at your discretion. 
* Please take all necessary safety precautions during your build.

We will start with a material list that I've used for all the builds and I'll continue to update the "How To's" with pictures in future post here.

Best of luck and Happy Building.


The Material List with links:

Steering Linkage (Vender TBD)

You can make your own with parts from local DIY store. Link is for example. 
RC Transmitter and Receiver

 Miscellaneous 12v and 6V Parts:

12V Straight butt spice connectors
12V Male/Female connectors
Specialty Pin Crimper for connector pins
Heat shrink tubing
Standard Wire cutter/wire crimper
Mircro torch
Mix size of flat and Philip screwdrivers
Zip Ties
12v rocker switch
Drill and bits
12v stranded wire
6V stranded wire
Soldering Iron/Electric Solder
(6) 8-32 4-4.5 inche machine screws/nuts/flat washer and lock washers
Plastic or metal water inlet (used to supply water to toilet.  In this case it will be used for 2 inch spacers)
All thread or comparable nut/bolt for attaching steering wheel.  
Copping Saw or small tooth equivalent
Electrical Tape
6V power supply (used for “quick” checks to center servo and other needs)
Allen Keys

Manuals:  (for references)

12V electric vehicles manufacture manual
RC transmitter/Receiver manual
Motor Controller manual
BEC manual
Servo manual (comes with servo and splitter)
Servo Stretcher manual
12V Remote Kill Switch manual