Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Canton Mayor Puts Citizens at Risk

The Mayor of Canton decides to park in my yard instead of the driveway or even on the main street where there is ample room to park.

WOW you not only violated City Laws and in case of an emergency, placed the citizens at risk but you turfed my yard with your $500 dollar a month piece of crap.

Thanks you, you horses arse!

*UPDATE* a full video is available at our Youtube


(a) No person shall leave any vehicle on private property without permission of the person having the right to possession of such property.

(b) No person shall leave a vehicle in any fire lane except members of a Fire Department.

(c) Parking of motor vehicles or otherwise obstructing fire lanes shall be prohibited at all times. (Ord. 353-77. Passed 10-17-77.)


(a) No operator of a vehicle shall stop, stand or park any vehicle upon a street, other than an alley, in such a manner or under such conditions as to leave available less than ten feet of the width of the roadway for free movement of vehicular traffic, except that an operator may stop temporarily during the actual loading or unloading of passengers or when necessary in obedience to traffic regulations or traffic signs or signals of a police officer.

(b) No operator shall park a vehicle within an alley in such a manner or under such conditions as to leave available less than ten feet of the width of the roadway for the free movement of vehicular traffic.

(c) No vehicle shall be parked upon any street which is not more than sixteen feet from curb to curb. Upon streets from sixteen to twenty-eight feet, parking shall be permitted on one side only; upon any streets in excess of twenty-eight feet, parking shall be permitted upon both sides. When parking is limited to one side of the street, the Director of Public Safety shall designate the side upon which parking is permitted and shall properly mark the same.

(d) On narrow streets, signs may be placed by the Director within a reasonable distance of the edge of the roadway or curb as he may designate, facing oncoming traffic, and on the side of the street where such sign is placed. No person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle along the edge of such roadway or curb within a distance of twenty feet in both directions from such sign, measured from a point on the edge of the roadway or curb at right angles to such sign.

(1964 Code §801.15, 809.08, 809.09)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Guerrilla Radio Beta Dec. 4 2009

Mr. JLWatson, has taken his objections of City halls unfair decisions of the treatment of Canton Police and Firefighters to the streets that has place the citizens at risk.
He will continue with his demonstrations till the Firefighters are back to work. The Canton Police force has agreed to a furlough agenda.

Canton police union OKs furlough plan that averts layoffs

By Ed Balint staff writer
Posted Dec 04, 2009 @ 05:18 PM
Last update Dec 05, 2009 @ 10:27 AM

CANTON — Police officers will not be laid off by the city after all.

The union representing patrol officers voted 94-17 Friday to approve a furlough plan to avoid the layoff of 18 officers, said Bill Adams, president of the Canton Police Patrolmen’s Association. Furloughs are unpaid time or days off work.

Canton City Council may cut its pay

By Ed Balint staff writer
Posted Dec 04, 2009 @ 10:22 PM

CANTON — City Council is expected to vote on pay decreases by the end of the year.

“There will be a movement afoot to lead the way and to show leadership and that this is unfortunately a very real situation,” Councilman Bill Smuckler, D-at large, said of the city’s budget crisis. “Council plans on making any cuts that we have to make to save as many of our safety forces as we can possibly save

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

SoundOFF Dec 4 2009

Here another example of some degenerates, derelicts that represent so much of the lack of common courtesies and respect of anothers.
Thanks you d*cks!

Heres The City of Canton Ord.


(a) No person being the owner or having charge of cattle, sheep, geese, ducks, turkeys, chickens or other fowl or animals shall permit them to run at large upon any public place, or upon any unenclosed lands, or upon the premises of another.

(b) No person being the owner of or having charge of any dog, whether wearing a registration tag or not, shall permit it to run at large upon any public place or upon the premises of another. No owner, keeper or harborer of any female dog shall permit such dog to go beyond the premises of such owner or keeper at any time such dog is in heat, unless such dog is properly in leash. The owner or keeper of every dog shall at all times keep such dog either confined upon the premises of the owner or keeper, or under reasonable control of some person.
(ORC 955.22)

(c) The running at large of any such animal in or upon any of the places mentioned in this section is prima-facie evidence that it is running at large in violation of this section.
(ORC 951.02; Ord. 351-73. Passed 12-27-73.)

(d) No person, being the owner or person in charge of any animals, shall keep or confine such animal or animals on a leash, chain or otherwise, so as to permit such animal or animals to reach within five feet of any public sidewalk or street running adjacent to the premises.

(e) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(Ord. 201-80. Passed 1-23-80.)


I reached out to Martin Olson of the SCPR the INDEPENDENT MINDED POLITICAL COMMENTATOR to express interest toward any questions that he may wish to ask during my campaign. Here is the copy of the original emails that went between us.

McCartneyforcouncil wrote:

Martin Olson,

I hope this email finds you well. We would like to know if you would be interested in an interviewing our Independent candidate Shane Wyatt McCartney. We have a few sources for you to look over to help with your consideration. When reviewing any search engine please use our candidate’s full name as well as when review any CantonRep articles.

Besides his web page here are some areas that Shane has been involved with online as well.

We appreciate the opportunity and look forward to speaking with you.


Victoria Lynn McCartney

Candidate McCartney:

Martin Olson here of the SCPR.

I am just getting started on putting material together to cover "competitive" races in the 2009 election cycle.

Yours certainly fits that billing:


What in your personal/political background distinguishes you from your opponents Barton/Hart?

I note that your campaign slogan is "Think Globally, Act Locally," in what specific ways in implementing this slogan as an actual personal operational model impact on voters in the 7th Ward?

What new ideas would you bring to Canton City Council as a newly elected Ward 7 representative?

What will you push in Council as your top three goals for achievement by the time you have completed your first two year term as councilman.

In what specific ways will you involve citizens of the 7th Ward in your work as a city councilman?

Do you plan to visit each and every registered voter before voting begins in your race?

In your talks with Ward 7 voters, what are they telling you about their take on the political, social and economic aspects of Canton and what are they suggesting to you as programs and policies for you to advocate for in Council?

Do you think that a Strategic Future Economic Planning Task force should be created by Canton City Council? If yes, why? If no, why not?

Running as an independent, how does this benefits Ward 7 voters; how does it harm Ward 7 voters?

This is my first set of questions. As the campaigns roll on, I will be doing follow ups for amplifications, clarifications and for input on new matter as they come to mind.

If you have any photos of you in action visiting with 7th Ward voters, please include them with your reply.


Martin Olson

Was this a minor oversight? Doubtful! Martin took the time to write this in one of his post.

“…there is a least one contested race that could alter the line up.

Which race is this?

The seventh ward, is the one.

There you have Barton (the incumbent who the SCPR believes will side with Smuckler as these "test votes" come along) versus Republican Richard Hart and independent but former Democrat Shane McCartney.

This is likely to be the only Canton council race that the SCPR covers in any depth. The Stark County Republican Party has written off Canton and therefore there is very little political competition in Canton. The Stark GOP's failure to compete makes it responsible, in part, for the decline of Canton.”

Now he also states within another post on his blog the question as to “WHY AREN'T STARK COUNTY'S CANDIDATES LETTING VOTERS KNOW THEIR VIEWS?”
Why was I purposely placed into this catigory showing to his readers that I had no intergrity?

I did take the time to answer your questions Martin as well as followed up with a phone call to make sure you received the email. You did respond with a verbal yes. So since you couldn't do this I will post my answers here.


What in your personal/political background distinguishes you from your opponents Barton/Hart?

Our city needs leadership with global understandings. I have worked with foreign direct investors and assisted with the setup of their companies. I bring to the table the knowledge of our international and national competition, and can point to those directions that create opportunities for the city and its citizens. I am comfortable with and able to aid and advise in our city’s transitions toward local investments and global developments.

I note that your campaign slogan is "Think Globally, Act Locally," in what specific ways in implementing this slogan as an actual personal operational model impact on voters in the 7th Ward?

Think Global, Act Local is acknowledging that our city is in an economic battle toward attracting investments and development. By observing current thriving economies and making valued comparisons, our city can act locally and lead by example; creating availabilities and opportunities towards our economic renewal.

What new ideas would you bring to Canton City Council as a newly elected Ward 7 representative?

Our city has to create attractable means for investors. As a result of my research and past work exposures, I am able to assist in attracting those commercial and micro investments that are attainable to support our local commerce.

We have to develop new foundations. One such direction is to introduce the concept of micro-enterprises or an entrepreneurial institute. Consider the benefits of what micro-industry can accomplish. The core is a tightened focus that hones in on manageable and profitable means at a low cost of setup.

By having several micro-businesses under the same roof, this diverse cosmopolitan becomes reliant on each other, and can grow by leaps and bounds. Each micro-unit could contain its own identity, but share the tools and responsibly toward the group’s overall economic success.

What will you push in Council as your top three goals for achievement by the time you have completed your first two year term as councilman.

Our government has to encourage, not frustrate the city’s economic restoration; therefore sharing my knowledge of the awareness of our global competition would be at the top of my priority list. After introducing the global and national models to council and all those willing to follow, healthy debate will reveal opportunities for improvements, provide options, and motivate people to act in mutual support to formulate collective concepts and phase into the restructuring of our economy.

In what specific ways will you involve citizens of the 7th Ward in your work as a city councilman?

I encourage the involvement of my ward. If there are concerns that I can assist with, I will use every means possible to be accessible, i.e. face to face, phone, email and the mixture of social networks. I would even set up shop to work at council. As long as I had access to Wi-Fi and a phone I will be able to make myself available. However, I do request for the concerned citizens to be kind enough to respect personal time with my family.

Do you plan to visit each and every registered voter before voting begins in your race?

There are many constituents in Ward 7. It will be difficult to see all of them, but I will try. For that main reason, I’ve constructed my website, blog and other online social outlets to make myself available for questions and concerns that I may not be able to address in person. My contact information is published to respond via email as well.

In your talks with Ward 7 voters, what are they telling you about their take on the political, social and economic aspects of Canton and what are they suggesting to you as programs and policies for you to advocate for in Council?

Many people are very concerned about our areas economic condition and the direction our city is heading. These anxieties are evident in their faces. I can empathize; I’ve worn a lot of the same shoes and have crossed many of the same bridges.

There have been many ranges of suggestions, for example, a small bakery/deli to utilize more green initiatives in addition to recycling.
I am very excited and appreciate the ward’s responses. To witness people looking at opportunities for us to develop is encouraging.

Do you think that a Strategic Future Economic Planning Task force should be created by Canton City Council? If yes, why? If no, why not?

Of course! Council is the heart of our city’s economic progressions. This approach begins by studying our competition and learning how they successfully attract and retain businesses, followed by implementing defensive and offensive tactics for our economic survival. This will be a difficult but an achievable task through rational discussions and actions.
The international and national understandings that I have acquired will help contribute toward this united front; we need to shore up our existing strengths as well as open new progressive doors for our city’s economic renewal.

Running as an independent, how does this benefits Ward 7 voters; how does it harm Ward 7 voters?

It would be foolish of me to say I won’t have any opposition or even hesitant voters, but I am a bit biased and see no harm running as an independent. I’m running without political support, financial contributions and all of those other matters that traditional politics have created.
I am able to be a true concerned voice and I come as I am, with the global knowledge I’ve learned and attained to support my community.
I believe that my political party disconnection creates a blank slate and stepping stone for a new movement for political leadership.

Shame on you Martin, you say you want to bring out fair and compelling writings but you can’t even take the time to be courteous to a candidate that did respond to your questions. Shame, Shame, Shame!


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